Leather watch straps are mostly made of calfskin, crocodile skin, shark skin, ostrich skin, etc. Our Wholesale leather watch straps have good glossy and elastic effect and very durable. The leather contains preservatives and other agentias used for drying to stabilize the cortite. If you wear the leather strap by improper methods such as wearing straps when washing hands or rain soaked and then self-drying back for several times, after a period of time, the potions inside the leather strap will be lost. This will accelerate cortification, and eventually cause the deformation or break. Therefore, we must pay attention to the leather watch strap maintenance methods.
There are some tips for you to care for your leather watch straps
Avoid to use it in bad environment
A long period of intense sunlight mapping will make the leather strap’s appearance color decolorization, and also accelerate the aging of leather strap cortical, some chemical tests will also make the leather strap appearance color change or loss.
Don’t pull the leather watch strap hardly
While wearing a leather watch strap always use hard pull, the spring bar holes and holes on the leather watch strap may be easily be cracked. The greater the curvature of the leather watch strap, the easier to disconnect. So, you should always treat your leather watch strap cautiously and gently.
Keep your leather watch strap away from water
Like other leather items,the most taboo of leather watch strap is water. Long-term immersion in water or human sweat, leather straps will immediately get harden and brittle. So you can’t wear a leather strap watch to dive (or do long-term contact with water). Long period of sweat soak can also make the leather watch strap moldy taste changed.
How to clean your leather watch strap?
You can use a wet soft cloth to wipe and clean the leather watch strap. And then and then put it in a place to dry in the light and ventilation. Every 1-2 months, wipe the strap with a leather strap protector to maintain the texture of the leather strap and increase the brightness. The leather watch strap hardening degree is greater in winter. Do not reverse bend it to avoid damage of the leather.
There are two normal cases you may meet:
- Your leather watch strap accidentally wet or rain, you should take it off and use cloth to wipe it to keep it dry. And you can also paint some moisture to protect it.
- After the belt is worn for a long time and produced a sour smell, you can use a soft toothbrush with some fragrant soap to quickly scrub the dirty place, quickly rinse with water, take the way of “a pinch and a release” will knead the soap out. It is better to complete this process within 15 seconds. Alternatively, dry the belt by air drying or using a hair dryer at a distance of 15cm from the belt (to avoid the belt burning out of shape).
Furthermore, you can also apply a little leather oil on the watch strap. Leather oil not only has protective effect on the watch strap, but also can make the maintenance of the strap more comprehensive.
It is best to remove the spring bars and take the watch straps off to clean both short piece and long piece separately. Remember never soak the watch strap. You should always wipe it to clean.